Live the good life in Austria

I have just got back from a long weekend in Austria enjoying some of the best snow in 20 years. We had many inches fall each day contributing to the couple of meters already on the ground putting even Colorado and Alaska to shame (where I lived when I was young). And you know what? Everything moved and life continued as normal. Ok there was one day we couldn’t ski but that was more due to the high winds than excess snow. That didn’t stop the locals however continuing about their business or me driving the 90kms or so to the highest resorts.

Something I think our society misses is the precision, organisation and forward planning that the Austrian’s seem to put into their daily life. It might look from the outside a little boring but they do appear happier and definitely have a better quality of life than we enjoy in Britain. There is a high level of respect for each other, and a real sense of community, even in the larger towns such as Salzburg.

I don’t quite know how you instil these values into Britain, but something I think we used to have and after being back in Austria, something we are definitely missing out on.

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